Squirrels and rats and skunks, oh my! Rodents in the attic, trash cans and under the house can gnaw on your nerves and your property. Many rodents’ front teeth grow continually, so they gnaw incessantly on surfaces to wear their teeth down.
Once inside a home or business, rodents go to work on the electrical wiring, PVC plumbing pipes, heating and air conditioning ducts and anything else they can sink their teeth into. Remember, you don’t have to live in the country to be bothered by wildlife – we deal with wildlife problems even in South Carolina’s largest cities.
Not only do rodents chew, they bite! If they feel threatened, rats, chipmunks and other rodents can inflict painful bites and pass infections, strep bacteria and even rabies.
Vectors such as fleas, mites and ticks are part of the rodent habitat. These feasting insects transmit diseases by feeding on infected rodents and then biting humans. In turn, rodents transmit diseases carried by the insects by biting humans or other animals.
Airborne Transmission: Humans and other mammals can become contaminated with a variety of diseases and viruses through exposure to infected rodents’ droppings, urine and saliva. Rodent droppings should be handled with care, especially after they’ve dried, when they can break apart and release airborne particles that can enter nasal passages and cause infection.
Salmonella: Salmonella bacteria are transmitted to mammals when they eat foods contaminated with an infected rodent’s excrement.
Hantavirus: People can become infected with the Hantavirus by inhaling contaminated dust, touching one’s mouth or nose after handling contaminated materials or by living in a rodent-infested setting.